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Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes

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You can go to the CVMG Contact page here

The Keystone CVMG is the Manitoba section of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group. Our home base is Winnipeg, but our diverse membership stretches to all four corners of our great province.

During the winter months, Keystone section meetings are held at various locations in the city of Winnipeg.

Come spring and summer, we often visit with members able to hold meetings at their homes - or garages - and ride to a variety of locations and events with other vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and CVMG members.

Like our logo shows, we like to explore Manitoba's boundaries, check out all parts in between... and beyond.

For more information, visit us / contact us on Facebook:

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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